Monday, November 5, 2007

el venado

I dream of a tiny tsunami. I am at the beach with friends and we are each 400 feet tall. The beach is small to us and the tsunami is smaller still. We laugh at its impotence as it rages against our shins.


I dream we are on a barge on a klong in Bangkok. We are boating to a launchpad where we will board a space shuttle and I am dangling my feet in the water. I watch the wats go by. Wat Arun. Wat Po. I am so happy because you have made a space suit for my miniature stag, so that I won’t have to leave him behind during our trip. You are so good to me.


I dream I am on the southern coast of France, maybe in Nice, with a group of friends. We are walking around and I am holding hands with J***. You don’t mind. We come around a corner and the buildings are so beautiful that we all stop walking. The edifices look like glass succulents and the font Metropolitan Tryout.


I dream that I walk into an abandoned classroom in El Salvador. You are erasing the board as though you’ve just finished lecturing. There were lots of diagrams referenced in your lecture. The White Stripes song I Can Tell That We Are Gonna Be Friends is playing. You are incredibly happy to see me and you pull me into an enormous hug. My ribs are okay and I am so glad that we are gonna be friends.


I dream that we’re kissing. It isn’t awkward, even though we both know that if we did kiss it would be really awkward. Instead of being awkward we are both unabashed and sincere and very good. We kiss and kiss like we haven't realized certain things yet, or like we don't believe them. 


I dream I have a gorgeous butternut squash in hand and am trying to navigate a river on foot. At one point the squash slips out of my hand and then moves with its own volition. It darts away, cunningly swimming under some downed branches.

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